Guests may touch items to get a copy in inventory to wear and eat, or to transfer a cup of coffee directly to their hand.
Just touch the top of the bar on the side in front of the stools to serve:
• Coffee set -- touch coffee cup and click Yes for the cup to travel directly to your hand.
muffins, coffee, and honey - touch for muffin to wear from inventory, or touch coffee cup and click Yes for the cup to travel directly to your hand.
croissants, jam, and coffee - touch for croissant to wear from inventory or touch coffee cup and click Yes for the cup to travel directly to your hand.
toast, coffee, and jam -- touch coffee cup and click Yes for the cup to travel directly to your hand.
pizza - touch for a slice of either to wear from inventory
tray of veggies and fruit - touch for a strawberry to wear from inventory
cheese and crackers w/ wine - touch for cracker w cheese and glass of wine to wear from inventory
chips and salsa w/ Margaritas - touch for chip and margarita to wear from inventory
pita and hummus - touch for pita to wear from inventory
cup of steaming cafe au lait with cinnamon rolls -- touch roll to wear from inventory or touch coffee cup and click Yes for the cup to travel directly to your hand.
• tea and macaroons - touch either to wear from inventory
• cocoa and cookies fresh from the oven -- touch for cocoa and cookie to wear from inventory
• when you are not cooking display a bowl of fruit, orchid, or daisies and roses in a vase.
Also serve guests from teacart or cabinets, or have them help themselves from the refrigerator or espresso maker -- touch to receive a food to wear from inventory.